Friday, October 8, 2010

Drug rehab

Ok so i just found out today, of course before i actually went somewhere fun i had to get some bad news. . . . .i have a brother that overdosed today, he's been pretty bad on coke for the last few months and he was rushed to hospital today. Luckily he's fine, but hes going into drug rehab and i really hope this will teach him a lesson.

Somehow i doubt it will but i really hope and pray that he will open his eyes. Sorry for the dismal post but i had to let off some steam. Thanks for listening.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. apparently I deleted my comment while posting it.... errr I hope your brother recovers. I had a sister who used to be an alcoholic. We did an intervention and put her through rehab, she's fine now. I hope he will be the same .

  3. He'll only get better if he wants to. If he was forced in there (and particularly if it's a place virtually indistinguishable from a prison) he'll be back on it pretty soon after he gets out. I'd keep an eye on him for a while when he gets released. I hope it works out.

  4. this is very unfortunate, im sorry, hope you are doing good.

  5. damn, sorry to hear that, hope everything starts going better for you and your family.

  6. I hope he sees rehab as an opportunity to change his ways. Good luck to him.

  7. Drugs really mess up families. Good luck!

  8. sorry to hear this :(

  9. i am sorry for this :(

  10. i hope hes ok. ive seen alot of people lose everything because of drugs. you guys should get him into a rehab that isnt near your house or his friends. change the environment so that the influences aren't there

  11. I just got done with my GTL session this morning, and I was amused by your post

    keep up the solid work!

  12. :( Hope he gets better!

  13. sad news. I hope he is able to turn things around

  14. it;s always fucked up. keep the chin up and help him out.
